Life, Environment, and Applied Chemistry Life, Environment, and Applied Chemistry

Be specialists in the fields of Environment/Energy, Materials Chemistry, Bio and Foods

Educational Features

In the graduate program of Life, Environment, and Applied Chemistry, we offer advanced and specialized education and research in four distinct fields: 1. Materials Chemistry, 2.Environment/Energy, 3. Life Science, and 4. Foods. Specifically, in the Materials Chemistry field, we examine the structures and functionalities of novel inorganic materials and functional organic materials. In the Environment/Energy field, our focus is on environmental analysis techniques, solar cells, water treatment, and metal recycling technologies. The Life Science field explores stem cell biology, microbiology, and the effective utilization of biological functions. Lastly, in the Foods field, we provide specialized knowledge in food constituent analysis and the elucidation of food function. Students receive direct research instruction from a supervisor in one of these four fields and are required to compose a master's thesis.

The Teaching Staff and Research Topics


Prof. Dr. T. Akagi Investigation of mechanisms for the self-renewal ability of pluripotent stem cells
Prof. Dr. T. Kamachi In silico exploration for catalysis and biochemical reactions
Prof. Dr. M. Kitayama Synthesis and physical properties of inorganic functional materials
Prof. Dr. J. Kuwahara Studies on synthesis and colloidal property in biologically relevant moleculses
Prof. Dr. X.- Z. Wu Development of novel analytical methods for environmental and biological samples with use of light and electrophoresis
Prof. Dr. J. Nagata Study on the physiological functions of the food and natural components
Prof. Dr. K. Matsuyama

Development of micro -and nanoscale materials using supercritical fluids

Prof. Dr. H. Mita Study of relation between life and environmental change through or ganic analysis of environmental samples and its application for environmental engineering
Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Amada

Enzyme production and bioremediation by microbes

Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Okuda

Development of novel microbial control methods based on chemical biology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Kubo

Separation and recovery of valuable resources from wastes and development of environment-friendly smelting process

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Hase

Nutritional approach for prevention of lifestyle-related disease and development of functional food

Assoc. Prof. T. Fukunaga

Differential geometry of curves, surfaces and their singular points using moving frames

Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Miyamoto Synthesis and functions of advanced inorganic / organic nano-composite materials : 2D materials, liquid crystals, energy devices, molecular robotics, and environmentally benign materials
  1. TOP
  2. Graduate
  3. Life, Environment, and Applied Chemistry